
For whom is self-employment suitable?

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Self-employment may not be the right choice for everyone. It requires a lot of work, perseverance and a willingness to take risks. But above all, an incredibly strong will. You have to make a commitment to yourself. Logical, you might think. But many fail with their self-employment after the first year. Why is that? In this article, I will discuss for whom self-employment could be suitable and what it takes to successfully complete the first year (and hopefully many more).

Creatives and innovators

If you are a creative person and like to implement new ideas, self-employment can be the perfect choice for you. You have the freedom to pursue your own ideas and shape your company according to your ideas. You can unleash your creativity and find innovative solutions to problems you see in your field. There is no limit to the type of business you can start if you want to use your creative skills.
Very creative people who feel the need to express their creativity on a regular basis, or who feel that their creativity withers away in a monotonous 9-5 job, may want to consider self-employment. I don’t think you’re ever so proud of something you’ve created yourself when it’s done on behalf of a superior. But the pride and competence you feel when you have worked out an idea on your own and created something because you believed in it yourself is an incredibly good feeling and motivates you to further improve your own creations. However, if you have difficulties working out ideas and then actually implementing them, if you need the guidance of another person to be creative, you may be better off in an employment relationship.

Entrepreneurial spirits

If you are an entrepreneur by nature and want to take risks, or see them more as opportunities, then self-employment could be a good choice for you. You’ll have the opportunity to start and run your own business, and you’ll be able to steer your business in the direction you want. You can also run your business according to your own values and ideals and make decisions that are aligned with your vision for your company.
This will probably appeal to people who do not like to subordinate themselves and follow others. Often these are people who already had difficulties with authorities in their childhood and adolescence. And I don’t say that in any way as criticism. Some people are simply born “leaders” and have an inner drive to do just that, to go their own way and maybe even take others with them. And above all, not having to follow a boss who has such completely different views.
If that’s how you feel, an entrepreneurial activity is probably the right thing for you. However, if you’re struggling to make decisions, delegate tasks, and hold others accountable when in doubt, then running a business may not be the right career for you. A company is only as good as its management. You can hire the best people, but if you don’t run the company properly, it won’t help you. Alternatively, you could consider hiring a managing director and not actively running the company yourself. However, this constellation would then be more like an investment strategy. And here, too, you have to be able to make consistent decisions.

Freedom-loving and self-motivated

If you mainly want to work independently and can motivate yourself well, then self-employment could also be a good choice for you. You have the freedom to choose your own working hours and projects and can decide for yourself how much you want to work, when you want to work and, most importantly, where. Especially if you like to do work on your own and don’t want to have any restrictions due to a permanent employment relationship, self-employment could be the ideal solution. Whether as a solopreneur or freelancer, the latter in particular do not need complicated and costly start-ups. All you need to do is submit an application to your tax office and fill out a form. You’ve done that in one afternoon and you’re basically ready to go.
However, you have to be able to motivate yourself every day to really work. And the competition doesn’t sleep either. There are thousands of freelancers on portals like Fiverr, against whom you may have to assert yourself. So I need a lot of competence for your chosen profession and you have to be able to do a good job. Otherwise, you may receive bad reviews, which can worsen your order situation. And of course, if you don’t work and don’t get any orders, you don’t make any money. However, working as a freelancer is very suitable as an introduction to self-employment. You can also pursue your self-employment part-time and do not need any start-up capital. Accounting is relatively simple and you can test whether self-employment is generally the right thing for you.


Self-employment isn’t for everyone, but for those who are creative and entrepreneurial minds and enjoy working independently, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Of course, there are also challenges and risks, but if you are willing to work hard and, above all, smart, and persevere, it can be rewarding and very fulfilling. If you are considering self-employment, you should inform yourself well beforehand and consider whether it is right for you and what conditions you may have to meet. For some trades, for example, you need a license, which you won’t get if you can’t prove the appropriate training. Unfortunately, there are also often no start-up subsidies if you cannot prove that you have certain academic degrees. Dropouts are not supported in Germany. Unfortunately, this is really the case.
So before you quit your boring studies and want to start your own business with your start-up idea, if in doubt, get advice beforehand.
There are many resources and organizations that can help you on your way to self-employment or starting a business. But these usually have conditions and you should know them. If you are ready to take on the challenges, see risks as opportunities, see setbacks as instructive for yourself and you think you would regret not at least trying, then self-employment can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. For me, that’s what it is, there’s no alternative. What do you think about it? Are you already self-employed or are you toying with the idea of becoming self-employed? Feel free to leave me a comment.

I wish you a successful week.

All the best,


“Only those who go their own way cannot be overtaken by anyone.”

Marlon Brando

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About the author

Christina Ernst

Christina Ernst is the founder and CEO of Linen & Quince. She is also a designer, writer and real estate expert. She shares her experience and knowledge not only in her personal blog on , where she writes about financial literacy, business start-ups, real estate knowledge and personal development, but also on our Linen & Quince blog. There she regularly writes about interior design, fashion and lifestyle topics. She loves interior design, art, antiques as well as elegant, sustainable and high-quality fashion.

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