

on my side

My name is Christina.
I am a designer, entrepreneur, author and real estate expert. I also share my experience and knowledge as a consultant and help people achieve their personal and professional goals by teaching them strategies for personal development, project and time management, starting a business and finance.

“The secret of happiness is freedom.
But the secret of freedom is courage.”


My Topics



Collection of explanations on the entrepreneurial function, start-up management, as well as success factors in entrepreneurship.



Interesting facts and helpful information on the subject of finance. Especially on investments, financial freedom, taxes, insurance and shares.

Real estate

Real estate

Interesting facts and helpful tips about real estate, from buying to portfolio maintenance and investment strategies in Germany and Europe.

Personality development

Personality development

Helpful tips and strategies for personal development and increasing quality of life in order to achieve your own goals faster and easier.

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